This is the year! & Fresh Beginning
This is the year!
This is the year that my dreams come true!
These words from a beloved poem invite me to eagerly welcome the new year: Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate you, this is the year that your dreams come true!
This is the year that my dreams do come true as I am blessed with life-celebrating opportunities. Some at first may appear to be happenstance. Yet I know that they have come to me by divine appointment.
This is the year that expectations flow from my vision of good. I am an active participant in the joy-filled life of me!
This is the year that I move forward with zeal and enthusiasm, giving and receiving, committing to purposeful, rewarding goals.
This is the year that brings happiness, a year that I will live to bless. Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate me, for this is the year that my dreams come true!Fresh Beginning
I am moving forward in fresh, new beginnings.
The new year brings fresh beginnings. Not just on calendar pages of new months and days, but from within me, new beginnings rise up. I have the attitude of mind and heart that I can begin anew.
I do not begin to do it over again, but begin with a freshness, an outlook and knowingness that propel me forward. Releasing any doubts, maybes, or I can’ts, I have moved from replaying discouraging messages in my mind to participating in a new beginning.
With attitudes and affirmations of overflowing faith, trust, and confidence, I reach new heights of spiritual expression. I do not circle repetitively. I spiral higher! With renewed attitude of mind and heart, I affirm: The radiant light of newness illumines my way, and I move forward in fresh, new beginnings.
Source: Daily Word ~ Tuesday, January 1, 2008 and Monday, January 7, 2008
Image: "Angel Wings Celestial Harmony" by Ki Fujinaka
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