Medicine Wheel
EAST is the direction of air, dawn, spring, mind, illumination and new beginnings...
WEST is the direction of water, dusk, fall, maturing, wisdom, intro-spection and courage...
SOUTH is the direction of fire, noon, summer, childhood and the spark of spirit...
NORTH is the direction of earth, winter, midnight and silence...
"The four directions have been honored in original peoples' traditions around the world for centuries. When the four directions are acknowledged with a circle of twelve stones, Native Americans refer to such an object as a medicine wheel. The term "medicine" can mean healing or spirit. Original Americans have many prophetic stories that speak of the healing of the broken wheel. We are its healers. They say that when it is healed it will become the whirling rainbow of peace, the forbringer of the fifth world."
Continue here: FireLady's Loving Spirits
Image: "Medicine Wheel of the Four Sacred Directions" by Jody Bergsma - There is more than one door.
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